Illiyun Meaning

Illiyun meaning is:

ʿILLĪYŪN (عليون‎). The seventh stage of celestial bliss. Also the register in which the good deeds of Muslims are said to be written. See Sūratu ʾt-Tat̤fīf, lxxxiii. 18: “The register of the righteous is in ʿIllīyūn.” See also Mishkāt, book v. ch. iii. pt. 3: “The angels follow it (the soul) through each heaven, and the angels of one region pass it on to the next until it reaches the seventh heaven, when God says, ‘Write the name of my servant in ʿIllīyūn, and return him to the earth, that is, to his body which is buried in the earth.

Illiyun meaning could be a person, place, thing or mythical character. Illiyun is an Arabic word. Illiyun origin could lie in Hebrew. Illiyun is an Islamic word. Illiyun is spoken, read or written by around 2 billion muslims. Illiyun is mentioned in Quran.

Illiyun meaning in Urdu is understood by around 400 million muslims. Illiyun meaning in Urdu is used by muslims in Pakistan and India. Illiyun meaning in English is understood by many people around the world. Illiyun meaning in English is used by muslims all over the world. Illiyun meaning in Hindi is understood by around 200 million muslims. Illiyun meaning in Hindi is used by muslims in India. Illiyun meaning in Bengali is understood by around 153 million muslims. Illiyun meaning in Bengali is used by muslims in Bangladesh and India. Illiyun meaning in Arabic is understood by most of the people in middle east. Illiyun meaning in Arabic is used by muslims in Arab countries. Illiyun meaning in Malay is understood by around 20 million muslims. Illiyun meaning in Malay is used by muslims in Malaysia.

Illiyun meaning in Indonesian is understood by around 231 million muslims. Illiyun meaning in Indonesian is used by muslims in Indonesia. Illiyun meaning in Turkish is understood by around 74 million muslims. Illiyun meaning in Turkish is used by muslims in Turkey. Illiyun meaning in Russian is understood by around 20 million muslims. Illiyun meaning in Russian is used by muslims in Russia. Illiyun meaning in Uzbek is understood by around 29 million muslims. Illiyun meaning in Uzbek is used by musliims in Uzbekistan. Illiyun meaning in Punjabi is understood by many people. Illiyun meaning in Punjabi is used by Punjabi muslims in Pakistan and India. Illiyun meaning in Sindhi is understood by many people. Illiyun meaning in Sindhi is used by Sindhi muslims in Pakistan and India. Illiyun meaning in Hebrew is understood by many people around the world. Illiyun meaning in Hebrew is used by muslims in Israel. Illiyun meaning in Tamil is understood by many people in India, Srilanka and Malaysia. Illiyun meaning in Tamil is used by Tamilian muslims. Illiyun meaning in Malayalam is understood by many people in India. Illiyun meaning in Malayalam is used by Malayali muslims. Illiyun meaning in Telugu is understood by many people in India. Illiyun meaning in Telugu is used by Telugu muslims. Illiyun meaning in Persian is understood by around 82 million muslims. Illiyun meaning in Persian is used by Iranian muslims.