Abjad Meaning

Abjad meaning is:

ABJAD (ابجد‎). The name of an arithmetical arrangement of the alphabet, the letters of which have different powers from one to one thousand. It is in the order of the alphabet as used by the Jews as far as 400, the six remaining letters being added by the Arabians. The letters spell the words—

abjad hawwaz ḥut̤t̤i kalaman
saʿfaṣ qarashat s̤ak͟haẕ ẓaz̤ig͟h

The author of the Arabic Lexicon, al-Qāmūs, says that the first six words are the names of celebrated kings of Madyan (Midian), and that the last two words were added by the Arabians. Some say they are the names of the eight sons of the inventor of the Arabic character, Murāmir ibn Murra.

The following is a list of the letters with their English equivalents, and the power of each in numbers:—

1 a (i, u) ا‎ 60 s س‎
2 b ب‎ 70 ʿ ع‎
3 j ج‎ 80 f ف‎
4 d د‎ 90 ص‎
5 h هـ‎ 100 q ق‎
6 w و‎ 200 r ر‎
7 z ز‎ 300 sh ش‎
8 ح‎ 400 t ت‎
9 ط‎ 500 ث‎
10 y ى‎ 600 k͟h خ‎
20 k ك‎ 700 ذ‎
30 l ل‎ 800 ض‎
40 m م‎ 900 ظ‎
50 n ن‎ 1000 g͟h غ‎


Abjad meaning could be a person, place, thing or mythical character. Abjad is an Arabic word. Abjad origin could lie in Hebrew. Abjad is an Islamic word. Abjad is spoken, read or written by around 2 billion muslims. Abjad is mentioned in Quran.

Abjad meaning in Urdu is understood by around 400 million muslims. Abjad meaning in Urdu is used by muslims in Pakistan and India. Abjad meaning in English is understood by many people around the world. Abjad meaning in English is used by muslims all over the world. Abjad meaning in Hindi is understood by around 200 million muslims. Abjad meaning in Hindi is used by muslims in India. Abjad meaning in Bengali is understood by around 153 million muslims. Abjad meaning in Bengali is used by muslims in Bangladesh and India. Abjad meaning in Arabic is understood by most of the people in middle east. Abjad meaning in Arabic is used by muslims in Arab countries. Abjad meaning in Malay is understood by around 20 million muslims. Abjad meaning in Malay is used by muslims in Malaysia.

Abjad meaning in Indonesian is understood by around 231 million muslims. Abjad meaning in Indonesian is used by muslims in Indonesia. Abjad meaning in Turkish is understood by around 74 million muslims. Abjad meaning in Turkish is used by muslims in Turkey. Abjad meaning in Russian is understood by around 20 million muslims. Abjad meaning in Russian is used by muslims in Russia. Abjad meaning in Uzbek is understood by around 29 million muslims. Abjad meaning in Uzbek is used by musliims in Uzbekistan. Abjad meaning in Punjabi is understood by many people. Abjad meaning in Punjabi is used by Punjabi muslims in Pakistan and India. Abjad meaning in Sindhi is understood by many people. Abjad meaning in Sindhi is used by Sindhi muslims in Pakistan and India. Abjad meaning in Hebrew is understood by many people around the world. Abjad meaning in Hebrew is used by muslims in Israel. Abjad meaning in Tamil is understood by many people in India, Srilanka and Malaysia. Abjad meaning in Tamil is used by Tamilian muslims. Abjad meaning in Malayalam is understood by many people in India. Abjad meaning in Malayalam is used by Malayali muslims. Abjad meaning in Telugu is understood by many people in India. Abjad meaning in Telugu is used by Telugu muslims. Abjad meaning in Persian is understood by around 82 million muslims. Abjad meaning in Persian is used by Iranian muslims.