TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK BAS Officer Profile 3 Steps

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TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK is a BAS(Bangladesh Administrative Service) officer. TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK BAS officer biodata is available online. TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK BAS officer designation is OSD ON STUDY(DEPU). TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK BAS officer works for organisation M/O PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK BAS officer id is 17419. TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK BAS officer biodata is available on government website old.mopa.gov.bd.

TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK BAS officer biography can be viewed by following below 3 steps:
1.Go to url http://old.mopa.gov.bd/en/home/officers_list
2.Select designation of TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK
3.Enter name TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK in Search box

Ministry of Public Administration Bangladesh does not provide information about TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK BAS husband or TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK BAS wife. It does not contain any TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK BAS photos. By looking at MPA website you would not be able to know about qualification of TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK, his/her background and the trainings he/she has received in Bangladesh or abroad. MPA website provides information about TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK BAS officer designation and organisation only. It does not give details about TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK salary or TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK religion and caste. MPA website is not better than TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK BAS wiki. MPA can provide complete biodata of TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK, this would help Bangaldesh public to know more about the officer. MPA website can provide date of birth of TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK BAS. It can state the retirement reason of TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK. It can provide information about TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK BAS batch year.

Bangaldesh has 7091 BAS officers. TAYEB-UR-RAHMAN ASHIK is a VIP. To become a BAS officer is considered to be great achievement in Bangladesh, it is a matter of great respect for the family to whom BAS officer belongs.