R M Agrawal IAS Officer Biography 4 Steps

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R M Agrawal is an IAS officer. R M Agrawal is of AGMUT cadre from 1954 batch. R M Agrawal IAS officer biodata is available online. R M Agrawal IAS officer Executive Record (ER) Sheet is available on government website supremo.nic.in.

R M Agrawal IAS officer biography can be viewed by following below 4 steps:
1.Go to url https://supremo.nic.in/knowyourofficerIAs.aspx
2.Enter name of R M Agrawal in Name text box – exclude title of respect
3.Click Submit button
4.R M Agrawal IAS officer ER Sheet would be displayed

Here is the direct link to profile of R M Agrawal IAS officer ER Sheet https://supremo.nic.in/ERSheetHtml.aspx?OffIDErhtml=5365&PageId=

ER sheet does not provide information about R M Agrawal IAS husband or R M Agrawal IAS wife. It does not contain any R M Agrawal IAS photos. By looking at ER Sheet of R M Agrawal IAS officer you would be able to know about his/her qualification, his/her background and the trainings he/she has received in India or abroad. In addition to this ER Sheet of R M Agrawal IAS officer would show the details of various positions held. It does not give details about R M Agrawal IAS salary or R M Agrawal IAS religion and caste. ER sheet is better than R M Agrawal IAS wiki. It is complete biodata of R M Agrawal . ER sheet provides date of birth of R M Agrawal IAS. It also states the retirement reason of R M Agrawal . It gives information about R M Agrawal IAS batch year.

AGMUT cadre has 622 IAS officers. R M Agrawal is a VIP. To become an IAS officer is considered to be great achievement in India, it is a matter of great respect for the family to whom IAS officer belongs.