L.K.M. Sankalpa SLAS Officer Profile 3 Steps

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L.K.M. Sankalpa is a SLAS(Sri Lanka Administrative Service) officer. L.K.M. Sankalpa SLAS officer biodata is available online. L.K.M. Sankalpa is a Grade II SLAS officer. L.K.M. Sankalpa SLAS officer designation is Assistant Divisional Secretary. L.K.M. Sankalpa SLAS officer works for organisation Divisional Secretariat – Agalawaththa. L.K.M. Sankalpa SLAS officer date of birth is 09/10/1983. L.K.M. Sankalpa SLAS officer current seniority number is 563. L.K.M. Sankalpa SLAS officer government file number is 75/10/5380. L.K.M. Sankalpa SLAS officer date of entry to Grade III is 01/02/2012. L.K.M. Sankalpa SLAS officer date of promotion to Grade II is 08/27/2019. L.K.M. Sankalpa SLAS officer biodata is available on government website pubad.gov.lk.

L.K.M. Sankalpa SLAS officer biography can be viewed by following below 3 steps:
1.Go to url https://www.pubad.gov.lk/web/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=20&Itemid=136&lang=en
2.Select designation of L.K.M. Sankalpa
3.Search name L.K.M. Sankalpa in pdf file

Ministry of Public Services Sri Lanka does not provide information about L.K.M. Sankalpa SLAS husband or L.K.M. Sankalpa SLAS wife. It does not contain any L.K.M. Sankalpa SLAS photos. By looking at government website you would not be able to know about qualification of L.K.M. Sankalpa, his/her background and the trainings he/she has received in Sri Lanka or abroad. Government website provides information about L.K.M. Sankalpa SLAS officer designation, organisation, date of birth, date of entry to Grade III and date of promotion. It does not give details about L.K.M. Sankalpa salary or L.K.M. Sankalpa religion and caste. Government website is not better than L.K.M. Sankalpa SLAS wiki. Government can provide complete biodata of L.K.M. Sankalpa, this would help Sri Lanka public to know more about the officer. It can also state the retirement reason of L.K.M. Sankalpa. It can provide information about L.K.M. Sankalpa SLAS batch year.

Sri Lanka has 600 SLAS officers of Grade II. L.K.M. Sankalpa is a VIP. To become a SLAS officer is considered to be great achievement in Sri Lanka, it is a matter of great respect for the family to whom SLAS officer belongs.