District of Columbia Public Schools Elementary Teacher Salary H1B 2020

District of Columbia Public Schools Elementary Teacher salary average is $65000 in 2020 for h1b visa employees in USA. District of Columbia Public Schools Elementary Teacher salary maximum is $65000 in 2020 for h1b visa employees in USA. District of Columbia Public Schools sponsored 1 h1b visa LCAs for Elementary Teacher position in 2020. District of Columbia Public Schools sponsored Elementary Teacher position at 1 locations in 2020.

How much do District of Columbia Public Schools Elementary Teacher make on H1B in 2020?
District of Columbia Public Schools Elementary Teacher make $65000 on average in 2020.

How much do Elementary Teacher make on H1B in 2020?
Elementary Teacher make $65000 on average in 2020.

How many Elementary Teacher were hired by District of Columbia Public Schools on H1B visa in 2020?
District of Columbia Public Schools processed 1 h1b visa LCAs for Elementary Teacher position in 2020.

District of Columbia Public Schools Elementary Teacher salary locationwise

District of Columbia Public Schools Elementary Teacher salary average is $65000 for Washington DC in 2020. District of Columbia Public Schools Elementary Teacher salary maximum is $65000 for Washington DC in 2020. District of Columbia Public Schools sponsored 1 h1b visa LCAs for Elementary Teacher position at Washington DC in 2020.